A hearty welcome to SanDee&amelie's challenge blog!

Please, note, that this challenge blog is not related to any business and run without any profit by people, who do this for your and their own leisure time fun! Our only reward are your encouraging comments and your playing along and sharing steampunk fun and mixed media techniques. We appreciate every single entry and comment so much! Thank you for taking the time!

If you are new to this place, please, know that we are so glad that you stopped by our little steampunk corner!
Whether you are a dedicated tag or card maker, art journaler or mixed media lover - this might be the right place for you!
For more information about the rules and the little "steampunk/industrial twist" we ask of you, please check the "about" stuff and then simply jump in and create!

If you are new to steampunk and not sure if this is "your thing", maybe take a look at our winners gallery on pinterest (use the linking button on our side bar). You will find that we're mainly a mixed media challenge blog with a little twist towards steampunk, industrial and/or vintage. So why not give it a try?

We are looking forward to seeing your fab projects entered to one of our challenges soon!

SanDee&amelie&the SASPC team

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

March Mid Month Reminder

I love stave rhyme, so Mmmmarch Mmmid Mmmmonth Remmminder sounds pretty cool to me. lol

Erm...welcome to our aforesaid MMMR! Team B have some really cool (as if their makes weren't always cool...lol) projects in store for you and maybe also a little reminder on the two prizes that can be won -


and another by boozybear


 will manage to lure you into playing along...

But now let's open the stage for Team B's makes! I would also love to invite you to hop over to their blogs (AND to the ones of Team A too (if you haven't seen their projects yet)) to have a closer look and maybe also take a sec to leave them a short comment to let them know you stopped by and liked what you saw! It is their main and only reward for a lot of love and labour put into their projects that are mainly meant to inspire YOU (and of course also to make ME proud. Which I AM. Sorry, team, if I haven't let you known as often as I could during the last weeks: you all really make me a very, very proud challenge blog owner! Mwah! XXX).

As always you can enlarge the images by clicking them and get to the team members' blogs by clicking the names. Enjoy!

I love it to try new techniques and so I decided to use a wonderful black lace and some metal embellishments together to a necklace in gothic style.

 First time trying a Layout. I have added numerous chippies, paints, and layers of papers from the DCWV Tattered Time set. This is also the first time I have used a picture of myself. Exploring new techniques and ideas is the goal for 2016! Hugz and Carpe Diem! ~Niki


 Hi everyone I hope you are all well and joining in with us
this month for a chance to win some seriously
awesome mixed media supplies.

I have a journal page/spread (new to me but seem to
be doing a lot of them) to inspire you this month.

So come and play in a world of steam punk looks like both Nikki 
and myself are trying out new things this year.
Cheers Dee x

With Easter Sunday fast approaching I thought I'd start with painting some Easter eggs. And why not create one steampunk style? (my son said he would love to find one like these for his nest - so what do I want more?)


To take a look at Team A's projects click here.
Our challenge is open until the end of the month. Prize winners and Top 5 will be announced on Saturday 9th April. As always prize winners will be drawn among all proper entries - so make sure you read our (few) rules to avoid any disappointment.

Happy Easter to all our true and creative steampunk friends out there!
We are so glad to have you as you make this place the special creative spot it has become! Thank you so much!

Claudia & the SASPC Team

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1 comment:

  1. Loving the DT samples and hope to join in this month. Happy crafting, Angela x


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