A hearty welcome to SanDee&amelie's challenge blog!

Please, note, that this challenge blog is not related to any business and run without any profit by people, who do this for your and their own leisure time fun! Our only reward are your encouraging comments and your playing along and sharing steampunk fun and mixed media techniques. We appreciate every single entry and comment so much! Thank you for taking the time!

If you are new to this place, please, know that we are so glad that you stopped by our little steampunk corner!
Whether you are a dedicated tag or card maker, art journaler or mixed media lover - this might be the right place for you!
For more information about the rules and the little "steampunk/industrial twist" we ask of you, please check the "about" stuff and then simply jump in and create!

If you are new to steampunk and not sure if this is "your thing", maybe take a look at our winners gallery on pinterest (use the linking button on our side bar). You will find that we're mainly a mixed media challenge blog with a little twist towards steampunk, industrial and/or vintage. So why not give it a try?

We are looking forward to seeing your fab projects entered to one of our challenges soon!

SanDee&amelie&the SASPC team

Friday, May 15, 2015

Eyes Tested! - Mid-Month-Reminder

Servus and welcome to the mid-month-reminder of our actual challenge "Eyes Tested"!

Team B have prepared a great bundle of projects for you and can't wait to share them with you!
It's also time to reveal our prize sponsor for this month and it is lovely Agnieszka's fab Retro Kraft Shop! Yay!


To win a voucher for shopping some awesome vintage and steampunk crafting goodies you simply need to play along with our challenge and enter one - or maybe even the allowed three - projects. Each proper entry will count as one lot and random.org will help draw one lucky winner after the challenge has closed at the end of this month.

If you haven't checked out the exact challenge theme for this month and the makes of team A by now, you find them over HERE. (You can also scroll down this post first as you will find another link at the bottom of this post). But now on to the creations of team B:

(to enlarge images simply click on them)


I love playing with tags - they are the perfect thing to experiment with. 
I also had a lot of fun hunting through the stamp collection for anything 
related to eyes...I found so many forgotten stamps that this led
 to another 'play day'!


I needed a special gift for a good old friend and I bought this bike clock. I have pimp up  it to an eye-catcher fit to their equipment on a shelf in her flat.


Hi everyone I transformed my son's glasses I don't think they will be
any use to him now though!

I really struggled with this as I had a vision in my head but it wouldn't 
materialise on the glasses.

I can't wait to see your creations and how you interpret the challenge.
I got there in the end you can see how by popping
 over to my blog

A monocle it is! I wanted to try using Black Gesso for the first time and stay somewhat dark for this Eyes Tested piece. There is really an eye (stamp) behind the monocle. Carpe Diem!


Being a girl who loves to look closely to detect and understand the hidden mechanisms behind things (like human behaviour and interaction for example) this page is a very personal message from me to all of us. I believe that looking more closely before acting (or talking) might spare us a lot of hurt and disappointment. We just sometimes forget and rush forward, don't we?


For a closer look at the projects visit our teamies' blogs (you get there by clicking their names). 

Our challenge "Eyes Tested" is still open for two more weeks. The inlinkz collection, detailed challenge description and makes of team A can be found HERE

We hope you will be able to make some time this month and join in! And who knows.....maybe it is you who makes our Top5 or wins the fab prize?! 

Hugs and happy crafting,
Claudia & the SASPC team

Saturday, May 9, 2015

April Top3 and Prize Winner

Servus and welcome to today's announcement of the winners from our April challenge "Raise the Curtains!".

As the challenge theme obviously was a real challenge (or maybe just the wrong theme at the wrong time) we had the small number of seven lovely and highly appreciated entries from six players this time - so choosing our Top3 from both collections each might have looked a bit awkward... also some of the entries sadly didn't even have a hint of steampunk about them, so that narrowed possible Top entries down to four anyway.

And as these four makes were from three players, the Top3 this time somehow figured out automatically.

Which brings me to a slight change with collections and Top votes for our future challenges: as you might already have checked out with our actual challenge "Eyes Tested!" we only offer a single inlinkz collection from now on (as there often aren't enough 3D entries to choose our Top3 from) - AND we will vote our Top5 from all the entries instead.

And I feel the need to emphasize once more that we hope and would LOVE to see a lot more cards, tags, ATCs and other "quicker" projects entered into our challenges (and that we explicitly do not divide between those and the more elaborate ones when it comes to judging and choosing our favourites). I know that "simplicity" sometimes gets mistaken for "less skilled" or "less elaborate" - but I assure you that my team and I do not think like that. 

We do NOT want to have SASPC become a place where all have to aim for that "swifter, higher, stronger"-attitude to get recognised! Art and being creative is all about listening to your inner artistic voice (and trustingly following it) - and we all know that tone and volume of our voices change - due to our moods and actual situations. And it is that inner dialogue that makes us feel good and becomes visible when we create, isn't it? So we want you to share your "feel-good" creations with us as they are the ones that "shine" and "talk to us" in a way (independent from any special media being used or skills). I have been working as an arts teacher for almost twenty years (and have been taught about all of this by my wonderful pupils) and I still am an arts teacher from the heart - so I hope you will trust me. ;)

And now on to our Top 3 and the winner of the generous $25 voucher donated by Inspiration Emporium! Yay!


and the winner iiiiis........

Congrats on your prize win, Senna! Please, contact me via email so we know where to send the voucher to! (I am sorry I won't be able to reply to you before May 20th as I am on holiday and off the internet at the moment. So please bear with me. I promise I will take care of it asap!)xxx

Our Top3


Thank you so much for playing along! And special thanks go to our constant and true players but also to our new players for adding their style and artwork to our little creative steampunk spot! Mwah! X

Our actual challenge "Eyes Tested" is open and awaits your entries! ;)

Hugs and happy crafting,
Claudia & the SASPC team

Friday, May 1, 2015

"Eyes Tested!" - the May Challenge

Servus and welcome back to our little creative Steampunk corner!

It's time to start a new challenge and this month we want you to incorporate anything that can be connected to "eyes" with your steampunk projects as our theme is 

"Eyes Tested!"

Goggles, eye charts, dolls eyes, stamped, painted or drawn eyes, monocles....you can create whatever makes you happy - a tag, an art journal page, a card, a mixed media canvas, some piece of altered art or altered art jewelry,....well, and anything else I just couldn't think about right now...lol. 

And you don't need to show us the "pure steampunk only" attitude to get eligible for our Top3 or the prize draw - if you are for example new to steampunk or simply just don't want to have your project be too industrial looking, a hint of steampunk will do too. But your entry definitely has to be visibly "steampunk-ish" to make it count.

A heartfelt thank you to our brave players who joined in our April challenge! Obviously the theme was too complicated (or simply the wrong theme at the wrong time)...so we already would like to call each of them a winner - simply because they rocked this challenge and showed us some awesome curtain-pieces. We will announce our top votes and the prize winner next Saturday! So make sure you check back then.

But now on to round 1 for your inspirations bundle of DT projects:

Canvas with rusty powder, eyes chart stencil 
an image and just some charms.....
more on my blog



I've been waiting to transform my plain black plastic goggles into something totally steampunk. "Eyes Tested" is the perfect theme to work on my goggles.My husband asked me what I was going to do with them, and I said, wear them, of course! Somehow, I got the idea, he did not want to be on that adventure with me!

Visit my blog for the tutorial adventure.
Now, to the skies and beyond!


If your eyes want to test my journalspread, you are welcome to visit my blog

This quote from Jim Carrey stole my heart,
so I decided to hold on to it via my art journal. :)
You can see more photos on my blog.

I had immediately an idea what I wanted to create when I heard about this amazing Theme "Eyes Tested" but then in the end I was struggling with the realization. I hope you like the outcome. And the Title of this Project is "open your Eyes and you can see what Art can do" More details and step by step can be found on my Blog.


I found beautiful red metal welding goggles so I altered them, but without changing colour. I sewed their edges and band with leces. I ornamented them with metal clockworks, brads, screws, zipper and filigrans.
More photos you will find on my blog.


Please make sure you visit the blogs of my wonderful teamies for some closer looks and also leave them a comment so they know their efforts got noticed. I am sure you will make them very happy by doing so. ;)

Our challenge is as usual open until the end of the month. We won't offer separate collections for 2D and 3D makes anymore, but will vote our Top 5 from now on. So entering the challenge will be a lot easier for you. 

We hope to see you play along with us soon!
Hugs and happy crafting,
Claudia and the SASPC-Team

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