A hearty welcome to SanDee&amelie's challenge blog!

Please, note, that this challenge blog is not related to any business and run without any profit by people, who do this for your and their own leisure time fun! Our only reward are your encouraging comments and your playing along and sharing steampunk fun and mixed media techniques. We appreciate every single entry and comment so much! Thank you for taking the time!

If you are new to this place, please, know that we are so glad that you stopped by our little steampunk corner!
Whether you are a dedicated tag or card maker, art journaler or mixed media lover - this might be the right place for you!
For more information about the rules and the little "steampunk/industrial twist" we ask of you, please check the "about" stuff and then simply jump in and create!

If you are new to steampunk and not sure if this is "your thing", maybe take a look at our winners gallery on pinterest (use the linking button on our side bar). You will find that we're mainly a mixed media challenge blog with a little twist towards steampunk, industrial and/or vintage. So why not give it a try?

We are looking forward to seeing your fab projects entered to one of our challenges soon!

SanDee&amelie&the SASPC team

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Gear it Up! - Mid Month Reminder

Servus and welcome to round two of presenting the team's inspirational creations for our March challenge

Our sponsor this time is Tusia's fab 7 Dots Studio! So don't miss the chance to win a fab prize package! All you have to do is play along and enter our challenge. Maybe it is you whom random.org will pick! ;)


If you haven't already checked out the makes from team A, you will find them over HERE (alongside the inlinkz collections where you can enter your creations to). Our challenge is open until the end of the month and we will announce the prize winner and Top3 on 11th April.

And now come the fab creations of team B! And it is with great joy that I can tell you that SanDee1899 - the co-founder and -owner of SASPC - is back! Yay! Welcome back to our little steampunk corner, Sandra! We are so glad to have you with us again! Mwah! XXX

To get to the blogs of our teamies just click on their names. And I am sure you will make their day by leaving a short comment letting them know you saw and liked their efforts! For a larger view click on the images.

This happened to be one of those lovely times where you sit down to play with ink and paint and the creation just grows without any plans - other than following the challenge guidelines and wanting to use one of the Found Relatives portrait cards for the first time, I really had no idea where to go with this.
Suddenly I was creating a really cool background of gears and other mechanical details and then a whole Time Traveller theme began to look like a good idea....
I LOVE it when creating is like this!


Hi everyone I am super excited to be here with my first project for the blog. I love cogs so this challenge is brilliant for me. I used a brayered background that I had and  then as always it just took off on its own and this was how it ended up.

I love metallic's be it paint wax's etc, rust fascinates me the colours can be stunning, clocks most of my art will have a clock or compass on it. 

I hope this plaque inspires your entries to the challenge & that
you all like my first project please let me know what you think.
Details on my blog.

What would steampunk be without gears and cogs? A truly inspiring theme!
Therefore the steampunk theme of course had to find its way into my favourite art journal book.

Hello and welcome! This is my first Design Team piece and I am very excited to share it with you all. To me, Steampunk has a sultry side and I try to incorporate color into my Steampunk works when I can. There are many techniques and layers to this piece so, if you would like to "see" the process check out my blog. Carpe Diem!

oh it was so much fun creating this Tag. Isn´t Steampunk just the best technique ever :-)
find more details if you like on my Blog - send you love SanDee 

Actually all I had to do to create this project was really "gear up" a paper scrap. The ghostly image of the top hatted gentleman is a left over from cleaning a stencil (thus wiping the residue of black paint from the stencil onto the sheet of paper underneath) and I am sure I never would have achieved that wonderfully smudged look if I had been aiming for it! Happy accidents - I just love 'em!


Oh my! Looking at this fab bundle of steampunk art from teams A and B really (and always) makes me so proud to be part of this! "My" fab team is making me so proud and happy every time! And when I look at the fab art our players enter to the challenges I feel the same! "My" fab players making me sooo proud too! lol
 Let me send a big MWAH! to you all! 

We would love to see your geared up creations being shared with us soon! 

Click HERE to get to the challenge.

Hugs and happy crafting,
Claudia & the SASPC Team

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Top3 and Prize Winner from our February Challenge

Servus and welcome to the presentation of our Top votes and prize winner from the February challenge!

We decided to vote the Top3 from both collections together this time as there weren't too many entries....yeeees, I admit - the challenge was a tough one....but I think our players have all risen up to it and can be very proud of their fab results! They really looked stunning and choosing was as always hard!

And - as results showed - we had several projects the team liked equally...so we ended up with a Top4 this time.

And here they come (in no particular order):



Gosh! These makes really blew us away! Huge congrats to our fab winners! Please, feel free to grab the badge for display on your blogs! 


And now to our prize winner. 
Our sponsor last month was Agnieszka's fab Retro Kraft Shop 


and their fab prize goes to


Yay! Congrats on your win, Kerstin! Please, contact me via email so we can fix everything to have it sent to you. :)


Our actual challenge "Gear it Up!" can be found HERE and if you check back on 15th March you will be provided with another bundle of inspiration by team B (including the rest of our fab newbies! Yay!). We will also announce the sponsor for our March challenge on that date. So make sure you hop by and find out!

Hugs and happy crafting,
Claudia & the SASPC Team

Sunday, March 1, 2015

"Gear it Up!" - the March Steampunk Challenge

Servus and welcome to the start of our new challenge for March, dear Steampunk friends and creating minds!

Last month's challenge was a tough one and our players who bravely dared leave some "unfinished" looking areas with their projects can be so proud! Our Top3 and the prize winner will be announced next Saturday - so don't miss to check back to find out if you are one of them!

This time the challenge is much easier! I promise! lol

We want you to create a Steampunk project of any kind you like and

"Gear it up!"

Stamped, embossed, drawn, painted, real, die cut, chipboard, stencilled,....well, gears of any sort you can think of are what we want to see with any projects you can think of - and not only two or three added in a corner here and there for further embellishment! Gears should be one of the main parts of your creations - which shouldn't conflict with creating some glorious Steampunk anyway ;)

And - if you haven't heard the news yet - our fab new DT members will share their first projects with us this month (some of them with team A today and some with team B in the mid-month reminder post)!!! So watch out: there will be even more inspiration for you from now on! 
And if you take the time to leave a short comment with our teamies' blogs you might make someone veeery happy (and let them know that their efforts get noticed! ;) 
Get to their blogs by clicking the names above the images. To look at a larger version of the projects images click the images. 

Here we go:


I am so excited and honored to share my first project with all of you!

You never know what may pour out of an overturned bottle in Steampunk land!

I do enjoy playing with gears and cogs and bits of metal, and you can often spy them in my  work, so my challenge was how to focus on them? My imagination ran wild in creating this mixed media canvas. I had a vision of a bottle overturning on a shelf and pouring out everything needed to make a machine, thus creating these flying machines.The rest of the ideas just poured in from there - oh I do love steampunk!


Hi! It's my first work for DT, I was so excited creating this altered peep toe shoe with cogs, gears, screws, chains, metal filigree elements and glass beads. I like alterations, steampunk can manage and helps me to do them. Maybe it's not full of elements as I've used to do as far  but I wanted something more simple and to make every element clear.


Old metal box + cogs =

and inside......... guess what ?

for more cogs visit my blog ;)

Five waxed steampunkers on Gear it Up

This time I decided to gear it up... minimalist style. :) I made a necklace with a pendant made from a bottle filled with 'raining gears'. I attached them to the bottom of the cork using thin wire. It's like a little bit of gear magic trapped within glass walls... Take a closer peek on my blog.


Hach! My wonderful steampunk ladies make me so proud! (as do the fab entries from our players of course ;)
So let us see those gears by joining in our challenge! We would love you to share some of your fab steampunk art with us again! 
The challenge will be open until the end of the month (and we will reveal the prize sponsor for this month along with the projects from team B in the mid-month reminder post on the 15th) - so there should be enough time to create and have fun.
Please, make sure you enter your projects to the according inlinz collection - depending on whether you have created a two-dimensional (2D) or three-dimensional (3D) project. 

Hugs and happy crafting,
Claudia & the SASPC team!

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