A hearty welcome to SanDee&amelie's challenge blog!

Please, note, that this challenge blog is not related to any business and run without any profit by people, who do this for your and their own leisure time fun! Our only reward are your encouraging comments and your playing along and sharing steampunk fun and mixed media techniques. We appreciate every single entry and comment so much! Thank you for taking the time!

If you are new to this place, please, know that we are so glad that you stopped by our little steampunk corner!
Whether you are a dedicated tag or card maker, art journaler or mixed media lover - this might be the right place for you!
For more information about the rules and the little "steampunk/industrial twist" we ask of you, please check the "about" stuff and then simply jump in and create!

If you are new to steampunk and not sure if this is "your thing", maybe take a look at our winners gallery on pinterest (use the linking button on our side bar). You will find that we're mainly a mixed media challenge blog with a little twist towards steampunk, industrial and/or vintage. So why not give it a try?

We are looking forward to seeing your fab projects entered to one of our challenges soon!

SanDee&amelie&the SASPC team

Friday, February 20, 2015

Welcome our New DT Members!

Servus and welcome back!

It's time - and a huge pleasure for us - to announce our new Design Team members! Finally!!!!

As I have already said last time: we had the most wonderful applications from around the globe from the most amazingly talented Steampunk crafters and artists and if I could have I would have taken on all of them....lol...but that would have lead to SanDee&amelie's Steampunk Challenges risking having more DT members than players perhaps...which might look a bit awkward to be honest. ;)
So sadly I had to not only send four happy invites to four lovely ladies but also send some refusals to some lovely ladies.... sigh. Just know: we loved all of your artwork - but choose we must! xxx

So just give me a second to put on my Kermit-the-Frog costume - so I can wave my hands in a proper fashion when I shout: "Get ready to welcome our new, fantastic ladies Niki, Maura, Dee and Zoja! Applause, applause, applaaauuusssseee!!!!!!" (*wavingaboutmadly)



To learn more about our new ladies' arts and crafts just click their DT badges to get to their blogs! Or use the list of their blog names:

If you leave them a warm welcome comment that would make them very happy!

We are so excited to have them with us now and work alongside these fabulously talented and lovely ladies! Welcome to the team! XXX

You will see their first steampunk projects for our challenge blog in March - so watch out!

If you haven't already joined in our actual challenge "Unfinished Steampunk", why not take a closer look (HERE and HERE) and play along? There's still time until the end of the month to enter a project and thus get eligible for winning our prize (which is donated by Retro Kraft Shop this month! Yay!).

Hugs and happy crafting,
Claudia and the (grown) SASPC-team!

Sunday, February 15, 2015

"Unfinished Steampunk Challenge" - Mid Month Reminder

Hi and servus and welcome back to team B's inspirations bundle of Steampunk goodness for our February challenge!

It is 

we want to see you enter and the theme may actually sound trickier than it really is. We really challenge you to be daring and leave an unfinished looking space with your creations that works as a contrast or as part of your project's concept (or story).That's something totally different than just stopping in the middle or after you have done three thirds of your project....and it will also look totally different....lol.

Team A has already shown three fabulous and different approaches to this month's challenge theme (over HERE) and with today's part 2 there should be more than enough "nourishment" to artistically feed on.

But before I show you the creations of team B I want to invite you to check back on February 20th to find out who our new team members will be! We had the most wonderful applications from most incredibly talented folk and choosing was really(!) hard - but choose we must (as otherwise we would have ended up with more team members than players....lol) - and we did! And the team and I are so looking forward to introduce to you the fab new artists who will join us all in March and add their fantastic steampunk art to our community! Yay!

Enough written and said for now - here come the projects of team B! Make sure you also visit their personal blogs (you get there by clicking the names) and maybe even leave them a comment some time - so they know you have enjoyed their work and effort. For enlarged view click the images.


I loved this idea, but I really didn't know where to go with this at first....
I usually think of my work as 'unfinished' and I have a really hard time stopping myself from over-doing each creation - So how was I going to make this creation look like it is unfinished?......
Eventually I decided the only way was for me to leave part totally undone - leaving just a blueprint style of scribbled ideas, directions and colour prompts.

- Behind the mask -
It's carnival season
and I love this fantastic masks from Venice.  
On the left side you can see the unfinished version.

 I used a G45 designer paper which I partially glued onto a paint board that was covered with white Gesso. The upper left corner remained (almost) untreated. I left the torn edge to create a kind of peeled off look. This way you get an idea of what has happened on that piece of paintboard to make it look like the finished "rest".


 Our February challenge is open until the end of the month and you get to the inlinkz collections by clicking HERE (or clicking the badge on top of the side bar). There you will also find the makes of Team A if you haven't already seen those. 

The prize for the February challenge (that will go to one randomly drawn player)  is sponsored this time by


Retro Kraft Shop (which is owned by lovely Agnieszka, also known as Meresanth) offer the most fabulous range of products for creating vintage and steampunk art! So don't miss your chance to win a voucher for shopping! All you have to do is enter a project and play along! 

We are looking forward to see your lovely steampunk art entered soon!

Hugs and happy crafting,
Claudia and the SASPC-team

Saturday, February 14, 2015

January's Top3 and Prize Winner


Sorry for the delay (due to me being on school (skiing) holidays with my family) - but now's the time: here come our prize winner and Top3 from the "3's my lucky number" January challenge!!!

We had (again) the most wonderful entries and (as always) choosing was rather picking the most favourites from favourites throughout. You all never fail to amaze us! Wow!

Our prize sponsor for January were


and they are giving away a 20 Euro voucher for shopping with their online store! And the lucky winner who is going to spend some unexpected pocket money at Bastel-Welt Schobes iiiiiiis.....


Yay! Huge congrats, Sabine! Have fun shopping and thank you so much for playing with us last month! xxx (please, let me know via email to which email address they should send the voucher).

And our Top3 are (in no particular order):




Gosh! Your fab makes really blew us away, ladies! Huge congrats and thank you all so much for sharing your steampunk art with us and for playing along with us so constantly! Please, feel free to grab the Top3 badge for display on your blogs! xxx

Thank you of course to all our wonderful and true players who join in our challenges so constantly and help make our place the special arty steampunk corner it has become! Mwah! X

Tomorrow we will provide you with another bundle of inspiration - created by team B -  along with our mid-month-reminder, so make sure you come back to have a close look at some more steampunk goodness! And on February 20th you will learn about the new team members - so make sure to check back then too! ;)

Hugs and happy crafting,
Claudia and the SASPC team!

Sunday, February 1, 2015

"Unfinished Steampunk" - the February Challenge

Servus and welcome to today's start of our February challenge!

"Unfinished Steampunk"

is our theme this time and I know pretty well that this is a tricky one. But this is a challenge blog, right? And actually there is no right or wrong anyway.... so I hope you will give it a try and create a tag, ATC, card, mixed media project, altered art project, art journal page,.....well, whatever comes to your mind (as long as it is steampunk-ed! ;)

 I would like to encourage you to leave some areas/parts of your creations unfinished or have them look unfinished! It should definitely not just look as if you had forgotten to finish your project off with some spots, but the unfinished (but maybe already primed or half treated) part should build a dynamic contrast or in any other way an important part of your project's composition or concept.

I am pretty sure there are a lot more ways I haven't yet thought of to interpret this challenge - so be daring and surprise me (as you mostly always do with all the fab projects you enter ;) and maybe yourselves as well! 


Due to me being on school holiday this week, the announcement of the prize winner and Top3 will be on Saturday, 14th - just one day before our mid-month inspiration bundle is about to hit the bloggosphere! 

Aaaand there will of course be the announcement of our new team members shortly - so be sure to be on the look out for that! (I am sooo excited as we managed to get some fabulously talented ladies on the team! Yay!).

But for now let's directly head on to the makes of team A - and they definitely managed to rise up to this challenge! But see for yourselves:

For february a tag .... with an unfinished part : the cog
it's a die cut with my machine 
more on my blog

"I'm sitting here having trouble with finishing this BlueFish. My dear friend George has sent me some proposals, but they did not make it easier for me - I know, I have the right things in my stash - but I'm not sure what it is... and what I've found up until now doesn't satisfy ---"
See more frustration on my blog

How about a project which reveals all of its secrets? This album cover shows you how it was made step by step, left to right, top to bottom. :)
See close-ups on my blog.


Well, that should already show that there's pretty much room for interpretation of all kinds with this challenge theme! And I love the three different approaches shown by team A! They make me even more curious about what you - our players - will enter!

The challenge will be open until February 28th, midnight (Central European Time)! And as always we offer two separate collections - one for the 2D creations and one for your 3D makes. Hope to see you join in soon! 

Hugs and happy crafting, 
Claudia and the SASPC team

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