A hearty welcome to SanDee&amelie's challenge blog!

Please, note, that this challenge blog is not related to any business and run without any profit by people, who do this for your and their own leisure time fun! Our only reward are your encouraging comments and your playing along and sharing steampunk fun and mixed media techniques. We appreciate every single entry and comment so much! Thank you for taking the time!

If you are new to this place, please, know that we are so glad that you stopped by our little steampunk corner!
Whether you are a dedicated tag or card maker, art journaler or mixed media lover - this might be the right place for you!
For more information about the rules and the little "steampunk/industrial twist" we ask of you, please check the "about" stuff and then simply jump in and create!

If you are new to steampunk and not sure if this is "your thing", maybe take a look at our winners gallery on pinterest (use the linking button on our side bar). You will find that we're mainly a mixed media challenge blog with a little twist towards steampunk, industrial and/or vintage. So why not give it a try?

We are looking forward to seeing your fab projects entered to one of our challenges soon!

SanDee&amelie&the SASPC team

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Steampunk Destinations - Mid Month Reminder

Yay! So great to see you here at our little Steampunk corner!

Ready for some more inspiration for our actual challenge "Steampunk Destinations"? Or are you curious about this month's prize sponsor? Then this is the right post for you ;)

Team B has travelled to some beautiful spots too and if you haven't seen the makes of team A yet, you should check them out too! To do so - and to get to the link up to enter our challenge - click HERE.

This month's prize sponsor is lovely Iris from Irishteddy's!


Once more she will give away a 10 Euro voucher to spend with her well sorted online store. All you have to do to get eligible for the win is enter a proper project to this month's challenge and join in the steampunk fun!

Now on to the creations of team B:
(for more details get to the teamies' blogs by clicking the names or the images. Comments are highly appreciated of course ;)


Mrs. Shadow Box here :-)
(that's my new nickname), but I love these objects because the depth creates a fascinating and dramatic visual result. I had this earworm in my head: ''I've never been to New York'' ... and so I have made a 3D project with the title ''Dream Dancer''. More details and discoveries can be seen on my blog.


My 'Steampunk Destination' is Victorian London - I think that would be one of my time travel destinations (if there were the possibility!) Certainly Victorian London fits a steampunk style and I have added my usual vintage techniques to make a sepia tinted picture and frame.


I found that my ancestors travelled to the most wonderful places! For this LO I used colour copies of photographs which show them hiking a glacier! Wow! They were real explorers back then, weren't they?


So many wonderful places to travel and so many possibilities to get there! We can't wait to learn about your favourite (steampunk) destinations! Click HERE to get to the challenge. It is open until the end of the month and Top3 and prize winner will be announced on Saturday, 6th December. 

In the meantime we wish you a happy crafting time!

Claudia and your SASPC team!

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Steampunk Couture Top3 and Prize Winner

Servus and welcome to the announcement of the Top3 from the Steampunk Couture challenge and our prize winner for October!

You really gave us a hard time choosing our Top3 this time...well, honestly you always do, but this time it was almost impossible choosing one project over another. But choose we must and we did.

So let's directly head on to announcing our Top3 for the 2D and 3D collections today and these are:








We highly recommend you visit their blogs (by clicking their names or the images) and take some closer looks at their stunning creations! 

Huge congrats, ladies, and thank you all so much for sharing your incredible Steampunk art with us! Please, feel free to grab our badge for display on your blogs! 


Our actual challenge "Steampunk Desitinations" is up and open until the end of the month. We would love to have you play with us again! And we are so happy about all our true players but also the new players who keep finding and exploring our little Steampunk corner!

Last month's prize sponsor 


are giving away a prize package to one randomly drawn player from the October challenge and it iiiiiiis........

Barbara Washington! 

Yay! Congrats, Barbara, on your prize win! Please, email me so we can fix everything to have your prize delivered to you asap!


We have already reminded you of the actual challenge...but there is still the mid month reminder with the creations from team B to come. So check back on November 15th to find some more inspiration on our "destinations" theme and the announcement of this month's prize sponsor as well! 

So after all is said and done (and shown) there's only one thing left for me to do:

wish you a
happy crafting time! 

Claudia and the SASPC-Team!


Saturday, November 1, 2014

Steampunk Destinations - the November Challenge

Don't we all love to travel! Going to new places, learning about foreign culture, enjoying foreign cuisine, visiting wonderful sights all around the globe...is so exciting, isn't it!

There are a lot of destinations around our globe worth visiting. Think about capitals like Paris, New York, London, Venice, Vienna, Barcelona, Hong Kong, Kairo,....to name just a fraction. But also nature highlights or exceptional historic buildings can be destinations worth visiting....like the Niagara Falls, the Chalk Cliffs of Ruegen, Mount Everest, the Pyramids, the Eiffel Tower, Miss Liberty, and...and...and...

So whatever you associate with "Destinations" - it is what we want to see (steampunked of course) with your projects for our November Challenge:

Steampunk Destinations


here we come!

Before I show you the fab creations from Team A, let give you a quick reminder about the winners post which will go online next Saturday. So make sure you check back to find out if you made it to the Top 3 or won the prize sponsored by Tando Creative!

But now let's move on to our next destination - "DT Inspiration":
(if you want to travel to the blog of a DT member to have a closer look, just click the name or the image. By clicking on the images you also get a larger view)


For November I'll go to... Paris, with a book. Not an e-book but un u-book. The background is cardboard, the hinge is fabric. Paint, images, charms, dies, stamp..... and of course Eiffel Tower !

All pages with details  are on my blog



I think Paris is a great destination. See more on my blog

If you gave me a time machine, I'd travel to Victorian London. 
You don't have one? Blimey. Well, I guess I'll just make myself a tag, then. ;)


Hach!*) I am ever so proud of my fabulous team!

The challenge will be open until the end of the month. On the 15th of each month we provide you with more inspiration from team B and reveal the prize sponsor for this month's challenge too. So don't forget to come back then to find out.

As usual we offer two separate collections for your 2D and 3D creations. 

Have a lot of Steampunk creating fun! We are always blown away by all the artistry and imagination of the projects you enter. You all make our Steampunk Corner such a special place. Thank you so much! ...so we eagerly (and impatiently) wait to see your new projects for our challenge! ;)

Hugs and happy crafting,
Claudia and the SASPC-Team!

*)"Hach" is what we say (or happily sigh) in German to express a feeling of deep satisfaction or simple happyness. 

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